Vineri, 29 iunie 2012 la Skin Summer Lounge situat in cadrul Bazei de Agrement Ciric vine Claude Challer, creatorul Buddha Bar. Acesta nu este la primul contact cu viata de noapte a orasului Iasi, anul trecut facand un adevarat show ce a tinut pana ce s-a oglindit soarele in lacul Ciric.
Claude Challe’s description should be written with music notes only: music is his life; it gives the tempo of his adventures. This unique vibration is the main underlying theme.
“Music is the only true language of humanity, for beyond concepts and words lies transcendence, creativity and absolute movement. Music is the salt of life, the Vibe, the most beautiful Energy, the Verb.” – C.C.
In last years Claude has travelled the world djing, animating the best parties of the planet and launching his own label, Chall’OMusic, and know He is coming again in SKIN SUMMER LOUNGE!
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